How to Deliver a Khutbah

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Khutbah is an Arabic word that means sermon and is commonly used to refer to the Friday khutbah, which is done before the Jumu'ah prayer (Friday noon prayer). It is a key component of Jumu'ah, and is considered a replacement for the two rak'ahs that are usually read for Zuhur (noon prayer). The khutbah is obligatory, so without it, the Friday prayer is invalid [1] X Research source Finally, the Qur'an says, regarding the Friday prayer: O believers! When the call to prayer is made on Friday, then proceed diligently to the remembrance of Allah and leave off your business. That is best for you, if only you knew.

Part 1 of 2:

Preparing for the Khutbah

Step 1 Choose a good.

Step 2 Learn and practice public speaking.

Advertisement Part 2 of 2:

Delivering the Khutbah

There are specific guidelines on how to conduct the Friday sermon. For example, the sermon is split into two parts, and there are prayers that need to be said at the beginning and at the end of the sermon.

Step 1 Go up to the pulpit and greet the congregation.

Step 2 Stand up and recite the Khutbat-ul-Haajjah.

Step 3 Recite verses of taqwa (piety).