Notary certificate form for acknowledgement in representative capacity

Secretary of State
Jena Griswold

Secretary of State
Jena Griswold

Secretary of State
Jena Griswold


Notarization Format Examples

The following format examples are provided as a reference. Please review the notary stamp requirements mandating a rectangular ink stamp that includes the notary ID number and commission expiration date.

Verification on oath or affirmation [1]

Signed and sworn to [or affirmed] before me on _______________________, 20____
by __________________________________ (name(s) of individual(s) making statement).

(Notary’s official signature)

(Title of office)

Certification of a document photocopy (certified copies) [2]

I certify that this is a true and correct copy of a record in the possession of _______________________.

(Notary’s official signature)

(Title of office)

Witnessing or attesting a signature [3]

Signed before me on _______________________, 20____
by __________________________________ (name(s) of individual(s) making statement).

(Notary’s official signature)

(Title of office)

Individual acting in his/her own right (individual capacity)

This record was acknowledged before me on _________________________, 20 _____
by _____________________________ (name(s) of individual(s)).

(Notary’s official signature)

(Title of office)

Individual acting in a representative capacity

State of Colorado
County of ____________________

This record was acknowledged before me on _________________________, 20 _____
by _________________________ as (type of authority, such as officer or trustee) of
(name of party/entity on behalf of whom record was executed) .

(name of officer or agent, title of officer or agent) of (name of corporation acknowledging)
a (state or place of incorporation) corporation, on behalf of the corporation.

(Notary’s official signature)

(Title of office)

[1] 24-21-516(1)(c), C.R.S.
[2] 24-21-516(1)(e), C.R.S.
[3] 24-21-516(1)(d) C.R.S.
[4] 24-21-516(1)(a) and (b), C.R.S.

Colorado Secretary of State | 1700 Broadway, Suite 550, Denver CO 80290 | 303-894-2200